Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Will NOT Be Afraid

Isaiah 43:5 – “Fear not: for I am with thee”. This is the “F” verse for Abeka Christian Education curriculum. Noah’s Nook teaches using this curriculum so all 26 verses are always on our minds. One day we had a fire drill and one precious little preschooler started saying, “FEAR NOT!! For I am with thee, I will NOT be afraid!” Just imagine…a small child, in a huge building being told to quickly move down stairs and outdoors. This would give an adult some pause, much less a child. One reason I love talking to children so much is because they can quickly recall and use what they learn, and usually in context. This verse was planted in her heart and she used it when she needed it.

I am experiencing life that could easily qualify as scary. I have teenagers! I asked them what they are afraid of and I got the usual snakes, roaches, etc. But, after digging deeper I have one going to college this fall and he has been scared to death of the change. My younger child has always had a fear of fire even though he has never been directly affected by it. Are these fears rational or irrational? I assure you, that to them it is very rational. So how do you deal with fear without diminishing your very real emotion or self-esteem?

Do you believe in spiritual gifts? A spiritual gift (in basic Paige terms) is a strong belief or understanding of something that you normally wouldn’t understand as clearly. Basically, God gives each person a gift (or more) that you can learn to rely upon. One of my gifts is Faith. This automatically helps me when the subject of fear comes up. I am able to fully rely on God with the outcome. While this is very comforting to me, to those that don’t have this gift – what are they feeling? 

If you don’t know what to do, I believe that all we can do is turn to God and the Bible and we have to teach our children to do the same. There are so many questions in life and parenting, but one thing we can know is that the Bible is true and has no errors. God is incapable of making mistakes. Psalms 149:4 says “For the Lord takes delight in his people” This is true, because the Bible is true. Jeremiah 31:25 says “I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” This is true, because the Bible is true. Matthew 11:28 says “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is true, because the Bible is true!

How often do we call on our Lord when we are afraid? He WANTS us to call on Him every time! I love my children and when they need something, even assurance, I jump to meet their needs. It delights me for them to come to me. If I feel that way about my children, how much more does God feel about us? Please friend, give God a chance to ease your fear; whatever it may be. There are no categories of little or big fears, and there are no categories of what God “covers”. He cares about it all. The Bible is ALL true, not just some of it. 

by Paige Phillips

Paige is a wife to Randall and mother to Aaron and Bryson, and is officially the shortest one in her family now.  But, she strives, above all else, to be an obedient follower of Christ.  I have been a Christian since the young age of 5 when I completely understood the simple fact that Jesus loves me and wants me to love Him.  I have had many ups and downs throughout my life, but always knew that God was never far away – it was me that had moved.  The biggest thing I have learned from my relationship with Christ is that He wants us to love people and tell them about Him – however we can: through humor, through compassion, through struggles of our own, through tears, through conversation.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Filling the Gaps

I was 27 when I discovered that I had a debilitating fear. On the day it surfaced, my husband and I and some neighbors visited Vulcan Park. Not being a native of Birmingham, I knew nothing about Vulcan, and since the statue had just been returned to the park after being down for renovations, we wanted to go see what had been done. After milling around the museum, we went outside to the statue and rode the elevator up to the viewing platform around Vulcan. When the doors opened, I stepped out toward the platform. As I walked the few steps from the elevator to the platform, I was overcome with panic and terror. This was unexpected, because as a teenager, I enjoyed the thrill of roller coasters and free-fall rides at amusement parks. However, at the age of 27, something had changed. I was terrified, and the perforations in the platform kept me from moving forward. 

Logically, I knew that the platform was safe, but my fear completely overrode logic. In my mind, the metal was weakened by the perforations and I truly feared that the metal would sag or break under my step. So, I stayed inside the elevator encasing (or more accurately, gripping the interior wall) and waited while my husband and neighbors walked around admiring the city view.

I think back to that day; it reminds me of my own trust in God. There was a point in my life when I realized that I wasn’t experiencing what God intended for those who trust Christ for salvation . . . sustainable faith that gives hope when things appear hopeless, gives peace when chaos surrounds, gives joy when life is crumbling, and allows me to forgive when the world says harbor the hurt.

In his faithfulness to give wisdom when asked, God revealed to me that there were gaps in my faith; it was weak because I did not really know Him. Although I was familiar with many attributes of His character, I had not been able to recognize his faithfulness to me. I never had an answer to the classic Bible study question “tell me about a time in which God was/did ________ in your life.” I was convicted, because I had no testimony. In a desire to seek Him and know Him and trust Him, I searched His Word and came upon Psalm 145.

The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.
The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.
The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.
The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.
The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.
The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.
The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.
                                                                             Psalm 145:8,9,13b-20 (NIV)

As I sought Him through His Word, God stirred a desire in my heart to know Him - not an impersonal knowledge that one gains from just hearing the Word at church or from watching my fellow believers, but a personal knowledge of who He is.  I wanted, and continue to want, stories of who He is to me.  

  • I want to personally know His graciousness and compassion.
  • I want to be able to tell my children how He is faithful to his promises and loving toward all He has made.
  • I want God alone to be the one who upholds me when I fall.
  • I want to offer personal praise for the times when He provided for me at the proper time and satisfied the desires of my heart.
  • I want to confidently say that He is near to my family when we call on Him and that He hears our cry and saves us.
  • I need the peace that comes from trusting that He watches over me.

When I surrendered control of my life to God, I began a blessed, yet difficult, journey towards sanctification.  This journey is going to take my entire life, and I’m expecting that it will be painful at times.  Daily, I wish my sin were less and my faith were stronger, and each day that I seek Him through His Word and recognize His activity and faithfulness in my life, my faith in God’s promises to His children is reinforced and my sin becomes less tolerable to me.  It is God’s unwavering character that strengthens me to overcome my fear of trusting His sovereignty and goodness.  

There are still things that I struggle to trust God with, but instead of these perforations or gaps weakening my faith, they give me hope . . . I know that God wants to fill them with OUR own story – the story of how He has been faithful and trustworthy to me.

by Carrie Graham

Carrie is a wife and mother who believes in the transformative power of the resurrection of Christ.  She know that God desires to have a personal relationship with her and fulfill His promises in my life.   Through daily struggles and victories, and even miniscule things, she looks for God’s unfailing grace, unending mercy and never-ceasing presence.  Her desire is to bring glory to God’s name by journeying with Him and allowing Him to mold her into a beautiful work, thus creating our own story that tells of His faithfulness to her. 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

What Are You Up To?

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to the prayers.Then fear came over everyone, and many wonders and signs were being performed through the apostles. Now all the believers were together and held all things in common. They sold their possessions and property and distributed the proceeds to all, as anyone had a need. Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the temple complex, and broke bread from house to house. They ate their food with a joyful and humble attitude, praising God and having favor with all the people. And every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47 (HCSB)

I remember years ago doing a Bible Study called Experiencing God. It’s a wonderful study that many of you may have done; however, since I took it over 17 years ago, I don’t remember too much about it. Well girls, this mind just doesn’t have that much memory capacity, but the one thing I DO remember is something along the lines of: 

you want to experience God, go where you see God working and join Him. 


Do you want to experience God? I did! I still do! So, I can’t help but notice when I see Him doing things – I want to BE there! 

Wednesday night, I had that experience with a few other ladies in the Titus 2 class. I don’t know how or why but clearly what went on during our time together was a stirring of God’s Holy Spirit. The room did not shake, and there was no water turned to wine, but hearts were stirring, and His sweet presence was hovering about us. 

I don’t know what, and I don’t know how, but He is doing a fresh work. It all has to do with one thing……….prayer. 

Prayer. Last night we all talked about prayer. We had a very open and honest discussion on prayer and our attitudes (or lack thereof), hang ups and fears. We laughed, and we cried. For all my friends that were there, thank you for sharing authentically from your hearts. Thanks for your honesty. I believe our hearts were tender and moldable to hear from God and consider what His Word says about prayer. It was real. It wasn’t surface level “churchy” stuff…..can I say that? It was what only God can do. 

God was moving, and we were following His lead, and so there is much more to talk about next week! I can’t wait to see what God has in store, but I’m showing up to unite with all my peeps to experience what He is doing! I want to be a part! You are invited too! 

So, ladies…….I don’t pretend to know what God is up to, but I assure He is up to something, and the foundation of it is prayer. I don’t know if you are aware of what happens when God’s people begin to get on board with God’s call to prayer, but let’s just say some amazing things begin to happen. (Acts 2:42-47) So watch out!!! BUT I want to make sure you understand that we are NOT seeking a spectacle nor are we seeking to see wonders…..we are seeking the spectacular wonderful God of all creation!!!! When we unite in prayer our reward is HIM! Anything else is just further testimony of Him. 

My heart is passionate for all of you to get to experience Him too!

So….what are you up to?

Written by Amy Harris

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Monday, July 9, 2012

We Have Been Called to Action

(Picture from Microsoft Office Images)

Ladies, we have been called to action.

Earlier this week I came across a blog written by none other than Beth Moore herself. I have to share with you that it sent chills down my spine - not just because it has a powerful and timely message - but because the topic is one that God seems to be bringing to my attention more and more lately - mentoring. I highly suggest you follow the link under Beth Moore's picture and read her post from July 6, 2012 on the Living Proof Ministries blog before you go any further because there is no way I can tell you what she said any better than she said it herself. Her first sentence is, "I'm really ticked."

(picture from Living Proof
 Ministries Facebook)

Big Sisters and Little Sisters by Beth Moore 

Well, can you relate? I think you can. How do I know? First, because I have been there. I have been that young mother who feels like the bouncy ball Satan keeps slamming up against the wall. I have been that wife and mother who felt like I wanted someone to stop this spinning top and let me off before I go stark raving mad. I have been that "Godly" woman trying so hard to put on a facade of perfection for the world to see, convinced I was the only female in the history of the world to ever feel this out of control. And you know what? This is exactly what Satan wants us to feel - alone, rejected, utter failures, with no hope of ever being successful. Truth be told we have all felt this way at one time or another. And if you haven't, I imagine you will one day in the future. Satan doesn't play fair. In fact, he is downright mean. He is the father of lies, a roaring lion set on tearing us apart. But God is intent on making sure this does not happen. Ladies, we are a part of that plan. Over and over again we are commanded to encourage one another in faith. Titus 2 is founded on the premise of the older women teaching the younger women - mentoring them. 

We have been called to action.

As I write this blog there were over 1200 answers to Beth Moore's call to big sisters and little sisters. I would like to suggest we do the same thing with this post on this blog. Little sisters (anyone 39 and below) write a post and let us know how we can pray for you, how we can encourage you right now in your life. Big sisters (anyone 40 and above) we all know we can use encouragement just as much as the younger women, but let's use this time to minister to them because 

we have been called to action!

Let me encourage you who may not be Valleydale members who may read this blog. You are included in this exercise, also. As you write your comments, please remember they will not appear immediately; however, I will monitor them closely and make sure they get posted as quickly as I can.

Lord, as I close this posting, I want to lift up every woman who will read it. May she KNOW that SHE is fearfully and wonderfully made for YOUR plan - a plan you have specifically designed for HER and no other. May she know that you walk with her every step of every day; that you care about every aspect of her life both large and small; that you are willing to help carry her burdens and rejoice over her victories. May she know that everything she has comes from you; that you love her like no other ever has or ever will; that you desire to give her a peace that passes all understanding. Give her strength when she feels weak, wisdom when she is confused, and courage when she is afraid. Fill her with you Spirit, Lord, so that she can love as you love, see others through your eyes and speak your words. We praise you, Abba Father, for your perfect love that is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. What an awesome, and powerful, and amazing God we serve! May your perfect will be accomplished in each and every life represented here. Amen, and Amen! 

And may we always remember, whether we are a little sister or a big sister, we are His ambassadors, and 


Monday, June 11, 2012

Transformed by Grace

I have a question for those of you who read my last post: how long do you think it took? How long do you think it was before I picked my baggage back up?  Well, not long, I’m afraid before…

I fell.
Yes, I laid down my baggage.
And I placed my eyes firmly on Him.
I forgot about the world…for a while…
but I could still hear them calling me
          to meet THEIR demands
          to fulfill THEIR requirements
          to reach THEIR goals.
And then my eyes slipped…
until I was no longer looking at Him at all.
I was looking…
at the world – again.
          at myself – again…
          But I couldn’t let THEM see me.
          Not like that.
          Not the REAL me.

So I climbed on a pedestal –
          A pedestal of perfection.
          I fell.
And it hurt…
          It hurt my pride.
          It hurt my witness.
                   It hurt the people around me.
                   The people I love.
                   The people I care about.
BUT…most importantly
          It hurt God.
I couldn’t let Him find me like that.
So I retrieved my baggage of perfection…
                   Complete with my collection of intricate masks
and master disguises …
          And held it close to my chest
                    Like a child clutching a security blanket
                             And hiding . . .
                                      In fear
                                       In guilt
                                       In shame.
Until He called to me…    
I fell again.

I am unworthy.

But, Lord, Remember when I -

But I took my eyes off of you.

See my sin?

But I failed you!

And I keep failing you.

                              Help me, Lord,
I do not want to walk with the world.
                                       I do not want to listen to their poisonous promises.
                                       I do not want to trust their deceptive disguises.
                              Help me, Lord,
To trade this endless cycle of worldly perfection
                                                For a cycle of spiritual maturity
                                                         to be transformed
                                                                   day by day
                                                                   minute by minute
                                                                   hour by hour
                                                                   decision by decision
                                                                             into Your image.

So I give You
my weaknesses
          And my masks
          And my disguises
And I CLIMB onto Your lap
To rest
in Your grace.
To trust
in Your grace.
To grow
in Your grace.

To become a pleasing sacrifice
Wholly and acceptable unto You.

~by Robin Kelley

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Baggage of Perfection

I have a confession to make. I care entirely too much what you think. Think about that for a minute. I don't even know exactly who you are. I don't know who is reading this blog. I do know, however, that I spend way too much time and energy worrying about what other people think about what I say or do - or even write.

And that is wrong.

Why is it we will trust God to give us grace and mercy the minute we receive forgiveness and ask Him to be Lord of our lives yet we somehow translate that to mean we miraculously become the perfect woman? Come on, now. I am being totally transparent with you. It is your turn. Be honest with yourself - and with God. Haven't you at some point made the commitment to be the perfect wife or mother? daughter or employee? servant or neighbor? There is no "or" to it. Society demands that we "bring home the bacon AND fry it up in a pan" AND keep the house immaculate AND raise the kids to be perfect AND spend quality time with your husband AND minister to your neighbors .... exhausting ... perfection is exhausting and frustrating and downright depressing. 

Not to mention totally impossible.

And wrong. 

God never called us to be perfect. There isn't one verse in the Bible that commands us to be perfect. We are commanded to love one another as ourselves. We are commanded to have an intimate relationship with Him. We are commanded to tell others about how He died for them. But we are never commanded to be perfect. WE are the ones who picked up that very heavy burden and WE are the ones who insist on carrying it around everywhere we go. 

HE has said HE has BEGUN a good work in us but HE won't complete it until the day of judgement. So when I worry about what you think about me, I am sinning because I am looking at you and not at Him. I am taking my guidance from what I "think" you approve of instead of what really counts - what pleases Him. 

So I have an announcement. 

I am NOT perfect. 

I am NOT the perfect mother, wife, grandmother, mother-in-law, daughter, servant ... and that is ok because

I AM His masterpiece in progress.

And furthermore, I care about you, but I don't care so much what you think of me anymore.

I am laying down my baggage of perfection at Jesus' feet and submitting to His will so be forewarned

I will fall - but He will pick me up.

I will fail - but His grace is sufficient.

For I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - but I can do nothing on my own!!!

How about you? Where's your baggage of perfection?